“The church does not exist for me; my salvation is not primarily a matter of intellectual mastery or emotional satisfaction. The church is the site where God renews and transforms us – place where the practices of being the body of Christ form us into the image of the Son.” ~ Smith, James K.A.. "Who's Afraid of Postmodernism?: Taking Derrida, Lyotard, and Foucault to Church". Baker Academic. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 2006. pg. 30.
"...classical apologetics operates with a very modern notion of reason; 'presuppositional' apologetics, on the other hand, is postmodern (and Augustinian)! [...] The primary responsibility of the church as witness, then, is not demonstration but rather proclamation - the [...] vocation of proclaiming the Word made flesh rather than the thin realities of theism that a supposedly neutral reason yields." ~James K.A. Smith, pg. 28.